Sharon  France | Artist Profile Photo
Sharon France
Malta, Illinois
Sharon France has many fond childhood memories of visits to her grandparents' remote Midwestern farm. She now lives on her own farmstead with her family where she paints the beauty around her. Sharon found inspiration in the work of Hudson River School Artists, Minimalists, Tonalists and Realists. When she's not painting, she loves to hike. She currently lives in Illinois.
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Artist Statement

Why do I paint the country? I have been blessed to live and paint on a quiet old farmstead surrounded by fields for most of my life now. It all started when I was a kid growing up. We lived at the edge of town, and I remember the walks through the field of corn behind our house and the feel of the damp earth on my bare feet back then. The trips to my grandparent’s remote Midwestern farm are some of my favorite childhood memories, and from as far back as I can remember, I always wanted to live in the country like them! My husband grew up on a farm, and soon after we married, we moved to the country. We live on an old farmstead with a farmhouse and a red barn, a great inspiration for my painting. It gives me a sense of peace and happiness to work on my quiet, country, and landscape paintings. The ideas for my paintings come from my imagination and are often of memories and places that I have been and seen here in the Midwestern Heartland. I paint my landscapes simply, from my heart. In my paintings, I want to capture the feeling of peace, quiet, and isolation found in the country. I have always had a fascination with old farmsteads, especially the old farmhouses and barns found on them. Some of my fondest childhood memories and inspiration are my visits to my grandparent's remote Midwestern farm. Set down a very long lane that eventually wound around the old barn, horse pasture, granary, and corncrib, machine shed, chicken house, to end up at their old farmhouse with a white picket fence in the yard beyond. The croquet set would be on the lawn and Grandma would have one of her homemade pies waiting on the kitchen counter. A little bit of heaven here on earth; it felt to me back then! My painting style leans towards Realism, although I often use elements of Tonalism and Minimalism. I have been inspired by the Tonalists, Hudson River School Artists, Minimalists, and Realist artists for my art. I work in acrylic, oil, and soft pastel, although I most often work in acrylic on stretched canvas for my Heartland landscapes. I build up many layers, using both wet and dry brush techniques, for my paintings. My artwork has been described as having an intriguing peacefulness in its quiet simplicity. Thank you for your interest in my original art!

Artist Background

Northern Illinois University
Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1981


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