Oksana Johnson | Artist Profile Photo
Oksana Johnson
Petaluma, California
Artist Oksana Johnson captures spectacles of serene cities and breathtaking natural vistas with soft painterly strokes and delicate depictions of light—embodying the tradition of impressionism in the style's truest sense. Essentially self-learned, she sought inspiration from her museum trips while growing up in Russia and studied with exceptional artists she admired in Russia and the US. I am constantly striving to express more accurately the happiness and joy I feel while trying to capture the beauty of the world and its special moments, says Oksana. She often paints plein air but mainly works in her home studio, overlooking a beautiful ocean view. Oksana creates with various brushes, palette knives, and sometimes her hands to give life to her textured presentations. It allows her to express how she truly feels about her subjects. Reading, traveling, and spending time with her loving family help her unwind and keep her inspired. Oksana has participated in numerous local and international group shows, with one of her pieces receiving a first-place award from the Society of Western Artists.
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Artist Statement

I'm an impressionist artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area, with a deep-rooted passion for art that goes back to my upbringing in Russia. Surrounded by the masterpieces of Russian and Western artists in the country's renowned art museums, French Impressionism, post-Impressionism, and Russian Impressionism have profoundly influenced my artistic journey. Over the years, I've had the privilege of studying under several accomplished artists in the U.S. and Russia. For me, art is a constant pursuit to convey the joy and happiness I experience while capturing the beauty of the world and its extraordinary moments. My primary medium is oil, but I also dabble in other forms like charcoal, watercolor, and pastels. I'm always on a quest to refine my technical skills, with a special affinity for playing with color and texture. These elements, in my view, offer the best means to express my emotions and feelings toward my subjects. Art is my way of translating the world's beauty into a visual language that speaks to the heart.
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