Cara Gonier | Artist Profile Photo
Cara Gonier
Newburyport , Massachusetts
Artist Cara Gonier creates atmospheric abstract landscapes and seascapes. Her minimalist approach highlights the subtle interplay of tones and textures, inviting viewers to embark on their interpretive journey. Despite receiving some formal training, Cara's creative drive is primarily intuitive. "My compositions and desire to paint are fueled by inner inspiration," says Cara. Her creative process involves layering multiple carefully chosen pigments, both transparent and opaque, to add literal and figurative depth to her works. Cara works in her small, tidy home studio near the Atlantic Ocean. While she lives near such a majestic body of water, her artworks remain universal and open to interpretation rather than depicting specific locales. Beyond painting, she integrates art into every aspect of her life, viewing life itself as an artistic journey.
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Artist Statement

I specialize in both painting and printmaking. My work is often described as atmospheric, meditative, and evocative, hinting at landscapes with minimal detail. I aim to captivate viewers with the subtle flux of tones and textures in my paintings.

The interpretation of the landscape is an infinite quest for me. I explore, deconstruct, refine, simplify, defy, blur, mark, scrape, saturate, and desaturate. To paint the landscape in its various and countless forms is to journal life in all its tenderness and boldness, its depth and light. My paintings are open to interpretation, and I encourage viewers to embark on their own journeys, finding personal significance and connection to the art.
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