Where I Buy Art for My Florida Office

This spring, UGallery's Marketing Director, Karina, had a lovely time talking with art collector Joe. He develops properties and owns a portfolio of commercial real estate in Central Florida. Joe shared with her how he chooses art for his offices. Read on to hear about how Joe started collecting to discovering the ease of purchasing original art online.


UGallery: Thank you, Joe, for taking the time to talk with us today. We really appreciate it. You have been a wonderful UGallery patron for many years. How did you start collecting art?

Joe: I believe that the first piece of gallery art that I purchased was from Red Wolf Gallery in Brevard, North Carolina, about 25 years ago. My wife and I were strolling down the main street, discovered the gallery, and went inside. We had a wonderful conversation with the gallery owner and ended up purchasing a lovely landscape painting created by the owner’s son. Since we were vacationing, the owner agreed to package up the painting and mail it to our home in Central Florida. We hung it in the foyer of our home when we returned, and it’s still there today.  

UGallery: And how did you discover UGallery?

Joe: I renovated my office back in 2016 and needed some art for my walls. I googled some keywords along the lines of “original art” and discovered UGallery. In my reception area - which is still a work in progress - the paintings on the wall from left to right are “Needles and Plumes” by Mickey Cunningham, “Central Park Carousel” by Onelio Marrero, and “Like Dreamers Do” by Pamela Blaies. I purchased all three of these paintings from UGallery. 

UGallery: How do you select art? Take us through your process.

Joe: The art in my home originates from a wide variety of people and places. The selections are not exclusively my own and therefore reflect a broader and less personal aesthetic. My offices, however, are a different story. The space belongs exclusively to me, and the art selections are exclusively mine, so I’ve decided to give you a glimpse into this part of my collection.

The first and most important requirement is that the art speaks to me in some meaningful way; preferably, it moves me emotionally. Second, I’m usually purchasing a piece of art with a destination in mind, so it needs to align with the space wherein it will reside. This is where size, orientation, and color come into play. Third, the art needs to fit with everything else in the room, including other art. Therefore, I’ll be looking for that compatibility factor unless I’m trying to create a little dissonance with my selection. Sometimes that’s fun to do.UGallery client Joe’s personal office with some of his collection.

UGallery: Do you have favorites in your collection, and why?

Joe: Yes, I have favorites. One of them is “Moods of Electric Blue” by Seth Couture. This was my very first purchase from UGallery back in 2016. Couture captures a beautiful young woman in a reflective moment. Maybe she’s a dancer? The colors, brush strokes, setting, and subject are so emotive. The sharpest focus is on the woman’s face. I’m not sure what she’s thinking, but I know exactly how she’s feeling. I just love this painting, so I placed it on a prominent wall in my office.


UGallery: Aside from the impressionist sceneries in your collection, I also noticed your proclivity to figurative art. What about them that captures your attention?

Joe: About my interest in figurative paintings - what about them captures my attention? Well, the figurative paintings in my collection reflect the most profound and meaningful parts of my personal life. Often, I see Jennifer, my wife of 25 years, in a painting. Consider Seth Couture’s “Paris Opera,” which hangs in my home.

When I look at these paintings, I see the most important woman in my life, and I’m reminded of the sweet moments that we shared.UGallery client Joe’s personal office with some of his collection.

UGallery: What is your home like, and what does having art in it make you feel?

Joe: Every piece of art that I own reflects a piece of me. My collection reflects the spectrum of my character. I feel understood when I stand in my home and experience my art. I also feel joyful because I find joy in the presence of beauty. 

UGallery: Why is UGallery special to you?

Joe: UGallery is my favorite online gallery. The quality of the art is excellent. The selection is broad and continually updated. The folks running the website do a superb job organizing and presenting the artwork. I like the curation. I like the exposition provided with each piece and the biographical detail of each artist. I enjoy seeing the editor’s picks and learning about new artists. I appreciate the way in which orders are packaged and fulfilled. All around UGallery provides an exceptional experience and value, which is why I’ve purchased many pieces from UGallery over the years.

I have very much enjoyed the opportunity you’ve given me to reflect on my art collection. I don’t get to talk about it nearly as much as I’d like. 

I’ll close by saying that excellence is uncommon. When I see it, I feel compelled to acknowledge and encourage it. By doing so, perhaps the one doing the excellent work will continue doing the excellent work, and the one who settles for less will be inspired to reach higher. The friendly people at UGallery are doing an excellent job, and I wish them continued success in the years ahead."Like Dreamers Do” by Pamela Blaies